Help Protect Our Service Members






Thank you for your interest in supporting your Massachusetts National Guard. The MPMG Range project is vital to military readiness and our ability to meet the emerging challenges the nation and the commonwealth face. Below you will find some sample letters you can tailor to your specific thoughts. There are also some highlights of the range project.


We're asking your to send a letter of support to your elected officials. Please consider sending an email of support on our behalf to Congressmen Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey.


Sample letters from the Public, Service Members and Military Families are available below.

 Simply select the letter which best fits your message and select the "email this letter" link.



Letter From a Concerned Citizen


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


I'm writing today in support of the Massachusetts Army National Guard's efforts to build the Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range, at Camp Edwards on Joint Base Cape Cod. I understand the need for a range and the requirements of our military to be ready serve both at home and overseas.


Camp Edwards is the Massachusetts National Guard’s principal training site. There is no other training facility controlled by the Massachusetts National Guard capable of housing this facility.


We have asked a great deal from our service members over the past two decades. More than 20,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen have deployed from Massachusetts since the global war on terror began. To send them into harm’s way without the preparation to succeed and survive against the looming threats our nation faces is far too much to ask.


The training provided by Camp Edwards is vital to the service our uniformed men and women provide the Commonwealth and our nation each day.


Our military men and women can be called to action at any time and must be ready to answer. The only way to keep them prepared is to provide them with constant training. They must have the right venues to conduct the training. The MPMG project is the right plan, at the right location for the right reasons.


The firearms and ammunition that will be used on the MPMG is currently approved to be fired on Camp Edwards. I do not believe that the use of the same ammunition and firearms will suddenly become a danger to the water supply.


The environmental team is nationally recognized due to its conservation, habitat renewal and water purification efforts. The success of those efforts is a matter of public record and one for which the military should be and is proud of.


Lastly, the time, and expense saved by not traveling great distances to complete your required training, demonstrates your commitment to safety, while maximizing the little time you have, to train to standards.


Please accept this email as an indication of my support for this effort. I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter





Letter From a Guard Member



Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


I am a member of the Massachusetts National Guard. The Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range project at Camp Edwards will have a significant impact on my training, readiness and personal life.


Every year we are required to qualify on our assigned weapons, this includes machine guns such as the M249 and M240B, which are already approved for use on Camp Edwards. In order to qualify we must train on these weapons. Right now, we must travel to Vermont, New York or New Jersey to train and qualify. The time we spend traveling out of state is time away from my family and my employer. This additional time away puts a strain on both my home and work life.


Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to continue to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active-Duty responses within the Commonwealth. This range will also increase our readiness, and further improve our chances of returning home safely when our country calls on us to serve overseas.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small-Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination above action levels…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The implementation of the MPMG Range will not change this fact. We use a copper ammunition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow us to train and qualify on our machine guns.


This opportunity will not only greatly improve our readiness but relieve stress on our families and employers. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG. I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Member



Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


The proposed Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range on Camp Edwards will have a significant impact on the readiness of the Massachusetts National Guard. Currently we are only able to train and qualify on our machine guns in Vermont, New Jersey, and New York. The time spent traveling is time we are not training.


As an operational reserve of the U.S. Army, we must meet the same training requirements as our active-duty counter parts. Having a range in the state that we can train and qualify on will greatly increase our ability to complete our mission and return home safely.


Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to continue to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active-Duty responses within the Commonwealth. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


As a citizen Soldier, I have the unique opportunity to serve my country and maintain a career outside of the military. Part of this is balancing the requirements of the military and my career. Currently, when my unit must qualify on some of our main weapons systems, the M249 and M240B, we are required to travel out side of the state. This travel takes a day on each end of training. This additional time spent on travel takes me away from my job.


While my employer is understanding, extended drill weekends puts a strain on them and on me. Having a range in Massachusetts that we could train and qualify on would significantly reduce this strain. Rather than a four-day drill, we could accomplish the same training and qualification in two.


Time is a resource that can't be replenished, there is no way to get back the days we have spent traveling to training, however we can save time in the future with the MPMG Range. This is time I don’t have to take away from my job, and time I can spend with my family.


Our employers and family sacrifice a lot for us to serve the commonwealth and the country, it is our responsibility to honor that sacrifice by being as efficient with the time we spend away from them. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Family Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


My significant other is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard, currently the Mass. Guard must travel far out of state to qualify on their machine guns, a weapon they need to protect themselves in combat and return safely from overseas missions. The more they can train, the greater the chances they come home. This training comes at the cost of us not being together and my service member is states away for longer periods of time. The MPMG Range at Camp Edwards would greatly reduce the amount of time they are away.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The MPMG Range will not change this fact. They use a copper munition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow them to train and qualify on their machine guns.


This will keep my loved one closer to home, and away less. Please keep my service member in Massachusetts and accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG Range.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.



Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Family Member



Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


One of my family members is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard, currently the Mass. Guard must travel far out of state to qualify on their machine guns, a weapon they need to protect themselves in combat. The more they can train, the greater the chances they come home safely. This training comes at the cost of us not being together and my service member is states away for longer periods of time. The MPMG Range at Camp Edwards would greatly reduce the amount of time they are away.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The MPMG Range will not change this fact. They use a copper munition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG Range is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow them to train and qualify on their machine guns.


This will keep my service member closer to home, and away less. Please keep my family in Massachusetts and accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG Range.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.




Email this letter



Project Highlights


  • The ammunition and weapons are already approved and used on Camp Edwards
  • The proposed range will provide Mass Guardsmen the ability to qualify on a range in-state without losing valuable training time on travel to distant training facilities
  • The MPMG will allow soldiers to meet new standards, not create new activity. Training activity provides disturbance that enhances habitat within the reserve. We have several scientific studies and testing that show 100 years of small arms activity has not been a threat to the aquifer
  • This is the only Massachusetts National Guard controlled facility capable of supporting this proposed range


The training is paramount to meeting vital readiness requirements for State and Federal Missions


  • The National Guard must meet all the same training requirements of our active-duty counterparts to support our primary mission of fighting and wining our nation's wars
  • The Army National Guard is the operational combat reserve for the Army
  • More than 20,000 MANG soldiers and airmen have deployed in support of contingency operations since Sept 11, 2001
  • The training available at the MPMG range is critical to readying our service members for overseas duty to fulfill their primary mission and return home safely to the Commonwealth
  • Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active Duty responses within the Commonwealth
  • Machine gun qualification has occurred on the site since 2015 with full support of the EMC under the purview of the EPA


The range is environmentally compliant with Chapter 47

  • For over 20 years the MAARNG has worked under the guidance of the EMC, and in collaboration with the EPA to protect the resources of the reserve while conducting compatible military training
  • The Enhanced Performance Round, already approved by the EMC, is made of copper and does not leech into the soil
  • EPA region one modified the 2002 Administrative order leaving the management of small arms ranges under the supervision of the EMC. The EPAs justification was that 20 years of science has shown that, “the overall results of groundwater sampling…indicate that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination above action levels…or any significant groundwater contamination.”
  • We are repurposing an existing range to meet our range requirements
  • The transformation of existing lands will open up new habitats for dozens of state and federally listed species whose survival depends on the careful cultivation of disturbance dependent land
  • National Guard programs bring funding to help identify and protect priority habitats and the species that live in them


For more information on the MPMG project please visit and



 Help Protect Our Service Members





Thank you for your interest in supporting your Massachusetts National Guard. The MPMG Range project is vital to military readiness and our ability to meet the emerging challenges the nation and the commonwealth face. Below you will find some sample letters you can tailor to your specific thoughts. There are also some highlights of the range project.


We're asking your to send a letter of support to your elected officials. Please consider sending an email of support on our behalf to Congressmen Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey.


Sample letters from the Public, Service Members and Military Families are available below.

 Simply select the letter which best fits your message and select the "email this letter" link.



Letter From a Concerned Citizen


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


I'm writing today in support of the Massachusetts Army National Guard's efforts to build the Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range, at Camp Edwards on Joint Base Cape Cod. I understand the need for a range and the requirements of our military to be ready serve both at home and overseas.


Camp Edwards is the Massachusetts National Guard’s principal training site. There is no other training facility controlled by the Massachusetts National Guard capable of housing this facility.


We have asked a great deal from our service members over the past two decades. More than 20,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen have deployed from Massachusetts since the global war on terror began. To send them into harm’s way without the preparation to succeed and survive against the looming threats our nation faces is far too much to ask.


The training provided by Camp Edwards is vital to the service our uniformed men and women provide the Commonwealth and our nation each day.


Our military men and women can be called to action at any time and must be ready to answer. The only way to keep them prepared is to provide them with constant training. They must have the right venues to conduct the training. The MPMG project is the right plan, at the right location for the right reasons.


The firearms and ammunition that will be used on the MPMG is currently approved to be fired on Camp Edwards. I do not believe that the use of the same ammunition and firearms will suddenly become a danger to the water supply.


The environmental team is nationally recognized due to its conservation, habitat renewal and water purification efforts. The success of those efforts is a matter of public record and one for which the military should be and is proud of.


Lastly, the time, and expense saved by not traveling great distances to complete your required training, demonstrates your commitment to safety, while maximizing the little time you have, to train to standards.


Please accept this email as an indication of my support for this effort. I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter





Letter From a Guard Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


I am a member of the Massachusetts National Guard. The Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range project at Camp Edwards will have a significant impact on my training, readiness and personal life.


Every year we are required to qualify on our assigned weapons, this includes machine guns such as the M249 and M240B, which are already approved for use on Camp Edwards. In order to qualify we must train on these weapons. Right now, we must travel to Vermont, New York or New Jersey to train and qualify. The time we spend traveling out of state is time away from my family and my employer. This additional time away puts a strain on both my home and work life.


Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to continue to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active-Duty responses within the Commonwealth. This range will also increase our readiness, and further improve our chances of returning home safely when our country calls on us to serve overseas.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small-Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination above action levels…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The implementation of the MPMG Range will not change this fact. We use a copper ammunition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow us to train and qualify on our machine guns.


This opportunity will not only greatly improve our readiness but relieve stress on our families and employers. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG. I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


The proposed Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range on Camp Edwards will have a significant impact on the readiness of the Massachusetts National Guard. Currently we are only able to train and qualify on our machine guns in Vermont, New Jersey, and New York. The time spent traveling is time we are not training.


As an operational reserve of the U.S. Army, we must meet the same training requirements as our active-duty counter parts. Having a range in the state that we can train and qualify on will greatly increase our ability to complete our mission and return home safely.


Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to continue to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active-Duty responses within the Commonwealth. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


As a citizen Soldier, I have the unique opportunity to serve my country and maintain a career outside of the military. Part of this is balancing the requirements of the military and my career. Currently, when my unit must qualify on some of our main weapons systems, the M249 and M240B, we are required to travel out side of the state. This travel takes a day on each end of training. This additional time spent on travel takes me away from my job.


While my employer is understanding, extended drill weekends puts a strain on them and on me. Having a range in Massachusetts that we could train and qualify on would significantly reduce this strain. Rather than a four-day drill, we could accomplish the same training and qualification in two.


Time is a resource that can't be replenished, there is no way to get back the days we have spent traveling to training, however we can save time in the future with the MPMG Range. This is time I don’t have to take away from my job, and time I can spend with my family.


Our employers and family sacrifice a lot for us to serve the commonwealth and the country, it is our responsibility to honor that sacrifice by being as efficient with the time we spend away from them. Please accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.


Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Family Member


Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


My significant other is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard, currently the Mass. Guard must travel far out of state to qualify on their machine guns, a weapon they need to protect themselves in combat and return safely from overseas missions. The more they can train, the greater the chances they come home. This training comes at the cost of us not being together and my service member is states away for longer periods of time. The MPMG Range at Camp Edwards would greatly reduce the amount of time they are away.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The MPMG Range will not change this fact. They use a copper munition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow them to train and qualify on their machine guns.


This will keep my loved one closer to home, and away less. Please keep my service member in Massachusetts and accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG Range.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.



Email this letter




Letter From a Guard Family Member



Congressman Keating, Senator Warren and Senator Markey,


One of my family members is a member of the Massachusetts National Guard, currently the Mass. Guard must travel far out of state to qualify on their machine guns, a weapon they need to protect themselves in combat. The more they can train, the greater the chances they come home safely. This training comes at the cost of us not being together and my service member is states away for longer periods of time. The MPMG Range at Camp Edwards would greatly reduce the amount of time they are away.


I understand the environmental concerns at Camp Edwards, however the last 20 years of science has shown that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination…or contribute to any significant groundwater contamination. The MPMG Range will not change this fact. They use a copper munition which is proven to not have a negative environmental impact. The MPMG Range is taking a space that has been used for years to train on other weapon systems and expanding it to allow them to train and qualify on their machine guns.


This will keep my service member closer to home, and away less. Please keep my family in Massachusetts and accept this email as an indication of my support for the MPMG Range.


I respectfully request that you support the funding extension in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.




Email this letter



Project Highlights


  • The ammunition and weapons are already approved and used on Camp Edwards
  • The proposed range will provide Mass Guardsmen the ability to qualify on a range in-state without losing valuable training time on travel to distant training facilities
  • The MPMG will allow soldiers to meet new standards, not create new activity. Training activity provides disturbance that enhances habitat within the reserve. We have several scientific studies and testing that show 100 years of small arms activity has not been a threat to the aquifer
  • This is the only Massachusetts National Guard controlled facility capable of supporting this proposed range


The training is paramount to meeting vital readiness requirements for State and Federal Missions


  • The National Guard must meet all the same training requirements of our active-duty counterparts to support our primary mission of fighting and wining our nation's wars
  • The Army National Guard is the operational combat reserve for the Army
  • More than 20,000 MANG soldiers and airmen have deployed in support of contingency operations since Sept 11, 2001
  • The training available at the MPMG range is critical to readying our service members for overseas duty to fulfill their primary mission and return home safely to the Commonwealth
  • Meeting federal training requirements allows the Massachusetts National Guard to equip and man the more than 8000 soldiers and airmen available to support State Active Duty responses within the Commonwealth
  • Machine gun qualification has occurred on the site since 2015 with full support of the EMC under the purview of the EPA


The range is environmentally compliant with Chapter 47

  • For over 20 years the MAARNG has worked under the guidance of the EMC, and in collaboration with the EPA to protect the resources of the reserve while conducting compatible military training
  • The Enhanced Performance Round, already approved by the EMC, is made of copper and does not leech into the soil
  • EPA region one modified the 2002 Administrative order leaving the management of small arms ranges under the supervision of the EMC. The EPAs justification was that 20 years of science has shown that, “the overall results of groundwater sampling…indicate that Small Arms Ranges are not a source of contamination above action levels…or any significant groundwater contamination.”
  • We are repurposing an existing range to meet our range requirements
  • The transformation of existing lands will open up new habitats for dozens of state and federally listed species whose survival depends on the careful cultivation of disturbance dependent land
  • National Guard programs bring funding to help identify and protect priority habitats and the species that live in them


For more information on the MPMG project please visit and



 Help Protect Our Service Members