Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

Massachusetts National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response 

24/7 Emergency Helpline: 508-889-6644

Other available resources:

DoD SafeHelpline

Call:  877-995-5247

Click: DoD Safe Helpline 

Text: Texting their location to 55-247 in the US and 202-470-5546 outside the U.S. allows users to receive automated contact info for the SARC at their installation.

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a crime.

Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. The term includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific UCMJ offenses: rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses.


What is Consent?

Consent is defined as: A freely given agreement or communication issued between a competent person to engage in a sexual activity. Consent is not automatic. Even if there was a prior sexual relationship, there is no automatic permission to have sex with that person again.

• Verbal or nonverbal expressions of lack of consent through words or conduct means there is no consent.
• A person does not give consent merely because they did not say “no” or did not resist.
• Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission resulting from use of force, threat of force, or placing another person in fear does not constitute consent.
• A current or previous dating or social relationship or person’s manner of dress does not constitute consent.
• A sleeping, unconscious, or incompetent person cannot consent.

Types of Reporting:

Unrestricted Report: Allows an eligible person who is sexually assaulted to access healthcare and counseling and request an official investigation of the allegation using existing reporting channels (e.g., chain of command, law enforcement, healthcare personnel, the SARC). When a sexual assault is reported through Unrestricted Reporting, a SARC shall be notified as soon as possible, respond, assign a SAPR VA, and offer the victim healthcare and a SAFE. 

DoDD 6495.01 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program


Restricted Report: Allows sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel), and receive healthcare treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an official investigation. The victim’s report to healthcare personnel (including the information acquired from a SAFE Kit), SARCs, or SAPR VAs will NOT be reported to law enforcement or to the victim’s command, to initiate the official investigative process, unless the victim consents or an established EXCEPTION applies in accordance with State laws, or federal regulations. 

DoDD 6495.01 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program


Independent Investigation:

Independent investigations are not initiated by the victim. If information about a sexual assault comes to a commander’s attention from a source other than a victim (victim may have elected Restricted Reporting or where no report has been made by the victim), that commander shall immediately report the matter to an MCIO and an official(independent) investigation may be initiated based on that independently acquired information. 

DoDI 6495.02 VOL 1 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Program Procedures


Your Sexual Assault Support Team:

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC):

The SARC answers to the command and is responsible for overseeing policy, education, victim services, data reporting and collection, with the intent to implement training and policy based on the needs of the state.

SAPR Specialist-Victim Advocate (VA)/Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA):

Victim Advocates report directly to the State Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Officer and provide valuable support to victims of sexual assault, guiding victims through the claims process, and providing resources to help victims recover and resolve their case against the alleged subject. They can be relied upon for:

• Crisis Intervention
• Information on medical and counseling services
• Referrals to health and wellness providers
• Ongoing non-clinical support
• Policy/Process Guidance
• Victim support through investigations and court proceedings
• Assistance on the DD Form 2910, Victim Preference Statement, and other Reporting Options for which the victim is eligible
• Help for as along as the victim requires it


Your military spiritual leaders are available to provide privileged and un-breeched covered communications. Reporting to the Chaplain qualifies for Restricted Reporting. If the victim wants a restricted or unrestricted case, they must speak with a SARC.

Massachusetts National Guard Chaplain Helpline: 508-328-2670

Healthcare Personnel:

HCPs will provide confidential communication with victims, and will report incidents of sexual assault to the JFHQ SARC under the Restricted Reporting designation. If the victim wants a restricted or unrestricted case, they must speak with a SARC.

Massachusetts National Guard Behavioral Health Assessments/screenings/prevention/case management/ support/treatment referrals: 774-286-1852 

(24/7 with a 4-hour call back period)




NGBDTM 1300.00 Safe-To-Report Policy for National Guard Service Member Victims of Sexual Assault 

NGBDTM 1300.03 No Wrong Door and Warm Handoff Policy for National Guard Service Member Victims of Sexual Assault



CNGBI 1300.01 SAPR Program

CNGBI 0400.01B National Guard Complex Administrative Investigations 

CNGBI 0401.01 National Guard Special Victims' Counsel Program (SVC)

CNGBI 1303.01A Expedited Transfer Reassignment 

DoDD 6495.01 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program

DoDI 6495.02 VOL 1 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Program Procedures



DoD Safe Helpline 


US Dept of Veterans Affairs Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Coordinators

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)





Helplines & Staff Contacts

Massachusetts National Guard

Sexual Assault Helpline


Program Officer

Ashley Purple
JFHQ State Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Officer
Phone: (774) 286-1164



Vanessa Valdes
JFHQ State SAPR Specialist- Victim Advocate
Phone: (774) 286-9474

MAJ. Blake Berry


Western Massachusetts

Mary De Cesare 
104th Fighter Wing, Western MA SARC
Phone: (413) 454-1885

Amanda Winslow
Western MA SAPR Specialist - Victim Advocate
Phone: (774)-570-0271


Central Massachusetts

Hannah Misiuk
Central MA SARC
Phone: (774) 275-8661

Elyse McKay
Central MA SAPR Specialist- Victim Advocate
Phone: (508) 962-5305


Eastern Massachusetts

Kaitlyn Burke
102nd Intelligence Wing, Eastern SARC
Phone: (774) 454-4008

Kim Healy
102nd Intelligence Wing SAPR Specialist- Victim Advocate
Phone: (774) 392-6624

Emily Roderick
Eastern MA SARC
Phone: (774) 278-8731



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